
259 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2023 RozK
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "render_opengles.hpp"
#include <limits>
namespace rk_vertex {
#pragma pack(push, 1)
template<typename _type>
struct alignas(alignof(_type)) rk_input {
_type input;
template<typename _type, typename _input, bool _signed, bool _normalized>
struct alignas(alignof(_type)) rk_output {
_type output;
inline void convert(
rk_input<_input> const & __restrict src) {
output = static_cast<_type>(src.input);
template<typename _type, bool _signed>
struct alignas(alignof(_type)) rk_output<_type, rk_float, _signed, true> {
_type output;
inline void convert(
rk_input<rk_float> const & __restrict src) {
enum : _type { max = std::numeric_limits<_type>::max() };
output = static_cast<_type>(src.input * static_cast<float>(max));
#pragma pack(4)
template<typename _input, unsigned _cols>
struct alignas(4) rk_input_row {
rk_input<_input> input_col[_cols];
template<typename _output, typename _input, unsigned _cols, bool _signed, bool _normalized>
struct alignas(4) rk_output_row {
rk_output<_output, _input, _signed, _normalized> output_col[_cols];
inline void convert(
rk_input_row<_input, _cols> const & __restrict src) {
for (unsigned col = 0; col < _cols; ++col) {
template<typename _output, unsigned _cols, bool _signed, bool _normalized>
struct alignas(4) rk_output_row<_output, _output, _cols, _signed, _normalized> {
rk_output<_output, _output, _signed, _normalized> output_col[_cols];
inline void convert(
rk_input_row<_output, _cols> const & __restrict src) {
static_assert(sizeof(output_col) == sizeof(src.input_col));
rk_output<_output, _output, _signed, _normalized> const * const input_col =
reinterpret_cast<rk_output<_output, _output, _signed, _normalized> const *>(src.input_col);
*output_col = *input_col;
template<typename _input, unsigned _cols, bool _signed, bool _normalized>
struct alignas(4) rk_output_row<rk_packed<_signed, _cols>, _input, _cols, _signed, _normalized> {
rk_output<rk_packed<_signed, _cols>, _input, _signed, _normalized> output_cols;
inline void convert(
rk_input_row<_input, _cols> const & __restrict src) {
template<typename _input, unsigned _cols, unsigned _rows>
struct alignas(4) rk_input_format {
rk_input_row<_input, _cols> input_row[_rows];
template<typename _output, typename _input, unsigned _cols, unsigned _rows, bool _signed, bool _normalized>
struct alignas(4) rk_output_format {
rk_output_row<_output, _input, _cols, _signed, _normalized> output_row[_rows];
inline void convert(
rk_input_format<_input, _cols, _rows> const & __restrict src) {
for (unsigned row = 0; row < _rows; ++row) {
template<typename _output, unsigned _cols, unsigned _rows, bool _signed, bool _normalized>
struct alignas(4) rk_output_format<_output, _output, _cols, _rows, _signed, _normalized> {
rk_output_row<_output, _output, _cols, _signed, _normalized> output_row[_rows];
inline void convert(
rk_input_format<_output, _cols, _rows> const & __restrict src) {
static_assert(sizeof(output_row) == sizeof(src.input_row));
rk_output_row<_output, _output, _cols, _signed, _normalized> const * const input_row =
reinterpret_cast<rk_output_row<_output, _output, _cols, _signed, _normalized> const *>(src.input_row);
*output_row = *input_row;
template<typename _input, bool _signed, bool _normalized>
struct alignas(alignof(rk_packed<_signed, 3>)) rk_output<rk_packed<_signed, 3>, _input, _signed, _normalized> {
rk_packed<_signed, 3> output;
inline void convert(
rk_input_row<_input, 3> const & __restrict src) {
typedef typename rk_packed<_signed, 3>::type packed_type;
output.packed =
((static_cast<packed_type>(src.input_col[0].input) & 1023)) |
((static_cast<packed_type>(src.input_col[1].input) & 1023) << 10) |
((static_cast<packed_type>(src.input_col[2].input) & 1023) << 20);
template<typename _input, bool _signed, bool _normalized>
struct alignas(alignof(rk_packed<_signed, 4>)) rk_output<rk_packed<_signed, 4>, _input, _signed, _normalized> {
rk_packed<_signed, 4> output;
inline void convert(
rk_input_row<_input, 4> const & __restrict src) {
typedef typename rk_packed<_signed, 4>::type packed_type;
output.packed =
((static_cast<packed_type>(src.input_col[0].input) & 1023)) |
((static_cast<packed_type>(src.input_col[1].input) & 1023) << 10) |
((static_cast<packed_type>(src.input_col[2].input) & 1023) << 20) |
((static_cast<packed_type>(src.input_col[3].input) & 3) << 30);
struct alignas(alignof(rk_packed<true, 3>)) rk_output<rk_packed<true, 3>, rk_float, true, true> {
rk_packed<true, 3> output;
inline void convert(
rk_input_row<rk_float, 3> const & __restrict src) {
output.packed =
((static_cast<rk_int>(src.input_col[0].input * 511.f) & 1023)) |
((static_cast<rk_int>(src.input_col[1].input * 511.f) & 1023) << 10) |
((static_cast<rk_int>(src.input_col[2].input * 511.f) & 1023) << 20);
struct alignas(alignof(rk_packed<true, 4>)) rk_output<rk_packed<true, 4>, rk_float, true, true> {
rk_packed<true, 4> output;
inline void convert(
rk_input_row<rk_float, 4> const & __restrict src) {
output.packed =
((static_cast<rk_uint>(src.input_col[0].input * 511.f) & 1023)) |
((static_cast<rk_uint>(src.input_col[1].input * 511.f) & 1023) << 10) |
((static_cast<rk_uint>(src.input_col[2].input * 511.f) & 1023) << 20) |
((static_cast<rk_uint>(src.input_col[3].input) & 3) << 30);
#pragma pack(pop)
template<typename _output, typename _input, unsigned _cols, unsigned _rows, bool _signed, bool _normalized>
struct rk_format {
typedef rk_input<_input> input;
typedef rk_output<_output, input, _signed, _normalized> output;
typedef rk_input_row<_input, _cols> input_row;
typedef rk_output_row<_output, _input, _cols, _signed, _normalized> output_row;
typedef rk_input_format<_input, _cols, _rows> input_format;
typedef rk_output_format<_output, _input, _cols, _rows, _signed, _normalized> output_format;
static_assert(sizeof(input) == sizeof(_input));
static_assert(sizeof(output) == sizeof(_output));
static_assert((sizeof(input_row) % sizeof(rk_vertex_input)) == 0);
static_assert((sizeof(output_row) % sizeof(rk_vertex_output)) == 0);
static_assert((sizeof(input_format) % sizeof(rk_vertex_input)) == 0);
static_assert((sizeof(output_format) % sizeof(rk_vertex_output)) == 0);
static unsigned get_input_size() {
return sizeof(input_format);
static unsigned get_output_size() {
return sizeof(output_format);
static unsigned get_output_offset(unsigned const index) {
return index * sizeof(output_row);
inline static void convert(
output_format & __restrict dst,
input_format const & __restrict src) {
static void param_packer(
unsigned const count,
rk_instance_index const * const __restrict indices,
rk_vertex_output * __restrict _dst,
rk_vertex_input const * const __restrict _src) {
rk_instance_index const * const last_index = indices + count;
output_format * __restrict dst = reinterpret_cast<output_format *>(_dst);
input_format const * const __restrict src = reinterpret_cast<input_format const *>(_src);
for (rk_instance_index const * __restrict index = indices; index < last_index; ++index, ++dst) {
} // namepace rk_vertex
typedef rk_vertex::rk_format<rk_float, rk_float, 3, 1, true, false> rk_vec3_float;
typedef rk_vertex::rk_format<rk_short, rk_float, 3, 1, true, false> rk_vec3_short;
typedef rk_vertex::rk_format<rk_short, rk_float, 3, 1, true, true> rk_vec3_short_norm;
typedef rk_vertex::rk_format<rk_packed<true, 3>, rk_float, 3, 1, true, false> rk_vec3_int10;
typedef rk_vertex::rk_format<rk_packed<true, 3>, rk_float, 3, 1, true, true> rk_vec3_int10_norm;
typedef rk_vertex::rk_format<rk_packed<false, 3>, rk_float, 3, 1, false, false> rk_vec3_uint10;
typedef rk_vertex::rk_format<rk_packed<false, 3>, rk_float, 3, 1, false, true> rk_vec3_uint10_norm;
typedef rk_vertex::rk_format<rk_float, rk_float, 3, 3, true, false> rk_mat3_float;
typedef rk_vertex::rk_format<rk_packed<true, 3>, rk_float, 3, 3, true, false> rk_mat3_int10;
typedef rk_vertex::rk_format<rk_packed<true, 3>, rk_float, 3, 3, true, true> rk_mat3_int10_norm;