
232 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2022 RozK
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from itertools import chain
import struct
from array import array
from pathlib import Path
import png
import engine
VERTEX_FORMAT = engine.vertex_format(
engine.VERTEX_FORMAT_VEC3_FLOAT, # position
engine.VERTEX_FORMAT_VEC3_UINT10) # texcoords
def load_png(path):
width, height, data, _ = png.Reader(filename = path).read_flat()
return (width, height, data)
def _read_magic(file, magic):
assert magic
if file.read(len(magic)) != magic:
raise RuntimeError("Archive magic mismatch!", magic)
def _write_magic(file, magic):
assert magic
size = file.write(magic)
assert size == len(magic)
def _read_struct(file, format):
assert format
size = struct.calcsize(format)
assert size
data = file.read(size)
assert len(data) == size
_read_magic(file, b'RK')
return struct.unpack(format, data)
def _write_struct(file, format, *elems):
assert format
data = struct.pack(format, *elems)
size = file.write(data)
assert size == len(data)
_write_magic(file, b'RK')
def _read_string(file):
length, = _read_struct(file, 'I')
assert length
data = file.read(length)
assert len(data) == length
_read_magic(file, b'RK')
return str(data, encoding='ascii')
def _write_string(file, string):
data = bytes(string, encoding='ascii')
assert data and len(data) < 256
_write_struct(file, 'I', len(data))
size = file.write(data)
assert size == len(data)
_write_magic(file, b'RK')
def _read_array(file, format, length):
assert format
data = array(format)
data.fromfile(file, length)
assert len(data) == length
_read_magic(file, b'RK')
return data
def _write_array(file, array):
assert array
_write_magic(file, b'RK')
def _read_blob(file):
typecode, length = _read_struct(file, 'II')
typecode = chr(typecode)
assert typecode, length
data = array(typecode)
data.fromfile(file, length)
assert len(data) == length
_read_magic(file, b'RK')
return data
def _write_blob(file, array):
assert array
_write_struct(file, 'II', ord(array.typecode), len(array))
_write_magic(file, b'RK')
class TextureData:
__slots__ = 'name', 'format', 'width', 'height', 'nlevels', 'flags', 'pixels'
def __init__(self, name, format, width, height, nlevels, flags, pixels):
assert pixels.typecode == engine.TEXTURE_FORMAT_TYPECODE[format]
assert len(pixels) == width * height * max(1, nlevels) * engine.TEXTURE_FORMAT_NELEMS[format]
self.name = name
self.format = format
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.nlevels = nlevels
self.flags = flags
self.pixels = pixels
def __iter__(self):
yield self.format
yield self.width
yield self.height
yield self.nlevels
yield self.flags
yield self.pixels
def from_archive(cls, file):
_read_magic(file, b'TXTR')
name = _read_string(file)
format, width, height, nlevels, flags = _read_struct(file, 'IIIII')
pixels = _read_blob(file)
assert pixels.typecode == engine.TEXTURE_FORMAT_TYPECODE[format]
assert len(pixels) == width * height * max(1, nlevels) * engine.TEXTURE_FORMAT_NELEMS[format]
return cls(name, format, width, height, nlevels, flags, pixels)
def to_archive(self, file):
_write_magic(file, b'TXTR')
_write_string(file, self.name)
_write_struct(file, 'IIIII', self.format, self.width, self.height, self.nlevels, self.flags)
_write_blob(file, self.pixels)
class VerticesData:
__slots__ = 'name', 'vertices', 'indices', 'meshes', 'meshes_db'
def __init__(self, name, vertices, indices, meshes):
if len(vertices) % VERTEX_SIZE != 0:
raise RuntimeError("Vertex format mismatch!")
self.name = name
self.vertices = vertices
self.indices = indices
self.meshes = meshes.values()
self.meshes_db = dict(zip(meshes.keys(), range(len(meshes))))
def __iter__(self):
yield len(self.vertices) // VERTEX_SIZE
yield self.vertices
yield self.indices
yield array('I', chain.from_iterable(self.meshes))
def get_mesh(self, name):
return self.meshes_db[name]
def from_archive(cls, file):
_read_magic(file, b'VERT')
name = _read_string(file)
nvertices, nindices, nmeshes = _read_struct(file, 'III')
vertices = _read_array(file, 'B', nvertices * VERTEX_SIZE)
indices = _read_array(file, 'H', nindices)
names = [_read_string(file) for _ in range(nmeshes)]
meshes = [_read_struct(file, 'II') for _ in range(nmeshes)]
return cls(name, vertices, indices, dict(zip(names, meshes)))
def to_archive(self, file):
_write_magic(file, b'VERT')
_write_string(file, self.name)
_write_struct(file, 'III', len(self.vertices) // VERTEX_SIZE, len(self.indices), len(self.meshes_db))
_write_array(file, self.vertices)
_write_array(file, self.indices)
for name in self.meshes_db.keys():
_write_string(file, name)
for mesh in self.meshes:
_write_struct(file, 'II', *mesh)
class Archive:
__slots__ = 'textures_db', 'vertices_db'
def __init__(self, textures_db = None, vertices_db = None):
self.textures_db = textures_db or {}
self.vertices_db = vertices_db or {}
def get_texture(self, name):
return self.textures_db[name]
def get_vertices(self, name):
return self.vertices_db[name]
def from_archive(cls, file):
textures_db = {}
vertices_db = {}
_read_magic(file, b'RKAR')
ntextures, nvertices = _read_struct(file, 'II')
for _ in range(ntextures):
data = TextureData.from_archive(file)
textures_db[data.name] = data
for _ in range(nvertices):
data = VerticesData.from_archive(file)
vertices_db[data.name] = data
return cls(textures_db, vertices_db)
def to_archive(self, file):
_write_magic(file, b'RKAR')
_write_struct(file, 'II', len(self.textures_db), len(self.vertices_db))
for _, data in self.textures_db.items():
for _, data in self.vertices_db.items():
def load(cls, filename):
file = open(Path(filename), 'rb')
archive = cls.from_archive(file)
return archive
def save(self, filename):
file = open(Path(filename), 'wb')