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# Copyright (C) 2022 RozK
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from os import urandom
from operator import mul
from itertools import product, combinations, chain, starmap, repeat
from math import prod, sqrt, floor, ceil, dist, hypot, pi, cos, sin
from random import seed as set_seed, random, uniform, triangular, sample
from array import array
from struct import unpack
from game.math import vec3_normal_rgb10a2
class Generator:
def __init__(self, size):
seed = unpack('I', urandom(4))[0] # 666 # 2749145609 #
print("Seed =", seed)
self.size = size
self.map_coords = tuple(product(range(size), repeat = 2))
self.field_coords = tuple(starmap(lambda y, x: (y + 0.5, x + 0.5), self.map_coords))
def weighted_samples(self, radius):
samples = []
smin = floor(radius)
tw = 0.0
for y, x in product(range(-smin, smin + 1), repeat = 2):
w = 1.0 - hypot(y, x) / radius
if w > 0.0:
tw += w
samples.append([y, x, w])
iw = 1.0 / tw
for sample in samples:
sample[2] *= iw
return samples
def generate_field(self):
half = self.size // 2
vhalf = (half, half)
rmin = self.size / 16
rmax = self.size / 8
vrad = self.size / 32
cones = [(vhalf, vrad, 0.2)]
for _ in range(180):
r = uniform(rmin, rmax)
d = uniform(r, half + r)
a = uniform(-pi, pi)
p = d / half
cones.append(((d * cos(a) + half, d * sin(a) + half), r, p))
def height(_position):
def influence(_center, _radius, _power):
d = dist(_position, _center)
return ((_radius ** 2.0) / (d ** 2.0) if d > _radius else (d ** 2.0) / (_radius ** 2.0)) * _power
return sum(starmap(influence, cones))
heights = list(map(height, self.field_coords))
heights = list(map(mul, heights, repeat(1.0 / max(heights))))
self.volcano_c = vhalf
self.volcano_r = vrad
self.cones = cones
self.heights = heights
def generate_heights(self):
size = self.size
half = size // 2
vhalf = (half, half)
heights = self.heights
def shape(_position, _height):
d = dist(vhalf, _position) / half
return max(0.0, _height - d) ** 2.5
heights = list(map(shape, self.field_coords, heights))
vy, vx = self.volcano_c
vrad = self.volcano_r
vmin = ceil(vrad)
vmax = vrad - 2.0
addrs = []
hmin = 1.0
for y, x in product(range(-vmin, vmin), repeat = 2):
if hypot(y + 0.5, x + 0.5) < vmax:
addr = (y + vy) * size + (x + vx)
hmin = min(hmin, heights[addr])
hmin -= 8.0 / 255.0
for addr in addrs:
heights[addr] = hmin
self.heights = list(map(mul, heights, repeat(255.0 / max(heights))))
def generate_rivers(self):
size = self.size
heights = self.heights
cw = 1.0 / sqrt(2.0)
offsets = (
# y x w y x w y x w
(-1, -1, cw), (-1, 0, 1.0), (-1, 1, cw),
( 0, -1, 1.0), ( 0, 1, 1.0),
( 1, -1, cw), ( 1, 0, 1.0), ( 1, 1, cw))
def river(_ry, _rx):
path = []
mins = []
minh = heights[_ry * size + _rx]
flowing = True
while flowing:
flowing = False
path.append((_ry, _rx))
rh = heights[_ry * size + _rx]
if rh == 0.0:
for by, bx in reversed(path):
ns = []
for oy, ox, w in offsets:
ny = (_ry + oy) % size
nx = (_rx + ox) % size
if (ny, nx) not in path:
nh = heights[ny * size + nx]
ns.append(((nh - rh) * w, min(minh, nh), ny, nx))
if ns:
_, minh, _ry, _rx = min(ns)
flowing = True
return [(rx, ry, rh) for (rx, ry), rh in zip(path, mins)]
def center(_cy, _cx):
return (heights[_cy * size + _cx], _cy, _cx)
centers = sorted(
[center(round(cy) % size, round(cx) % size) for (cy, cx), _, _ in self.cones[1:]],
reverse = True)
sources = [(sy, sx) for _, sy, sx in centers[:32]]
paths = []
for sy, sx in sources:
paths.append(river(sy, sx))
rivers = [0.0 for _ in range(size ** 2)]
path = max(paths, key = len)
for ry, rx, minh in path:
minh = max(0.0, minh - 1.0)
addr = ry * size + rx
heights[addr] = minh
for oy, ox, _ in offsets:
heights[(ry + oy) * size + (rx + ox)] = minh
rivers[addr] = 1.0
self.rivers = rivers
def smooth_heights(self):
size = self.size
heights = self.heights
samples = self.weighted_samples(2.0)
def smooth(_y, _x):
return sum(heights[((_y + dy) % size) * size + ((_x + dx) % size)] * w for dy, dx, w in samples)
heights = list(starmap(smooth, self.map_coords))
self.heights = list(map(mul, heights, repeat(255.0 / max(heights))))
def generate_normals(self):
size = self.size
heights = self.heights
def normal(_y, _x):
height = heights[_y * size + _x]
def direction(_dy, _dx):
dz = (heights[((_y - _dy) % size) * size + ((_x + _dx) % size)] - height) / 8.0
di = 1.0 / sqrt(_dx ** 2.0 + _dy ** 2.0 + dz ** 2.0) #OPTIM: dx² + dy² = 1.0
return (_dx * di, _dy * di, dz * di)
hx, hy, hz = direction(0, 1)
vx, vy, vz = direction(1, 0)
return (hy * vz - hz * vy, hz * vx - hx * vz, hx * vy - hy * vx)
self.normals = list(starmap(normal, self.map_coords))
def smooth_normals(self):
size = self.size
normals = self.normals
samples = self.weighted_samples(2.0)
def smooth(_y, _x):
tx = ty = tz = 0.0
for dy, dx, w in samples:
nx, ny, nz = normals[((_y + dy) % size) * size + ((_x + dx) % size)]
tx += nx * w
ty += ny * w
tz += nz * w
di = 1.0 / sqrt(tx ** 2.0 + ty ** 2.0 + tz ** 2.0)
return (tx * di, ty * di, tz * di)
self.normals = list(starmap(smooth, self.map_coords))
def pack(self):
self.packed_heights = array('f', self.heights)
self.packed_normals = array('I', tuple(map(vec3_normal_rgb10a2, self.normals)))
def unpack(self, y, x):
addr = y * self.size + x
nx, ny, nz = self.normals[addr]
return (nx, ny, nz, self.heights[addr])