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No commits in common. "8db60a0c01c736ecb8a185f4dfa782fbf3dcb49e" and "1abfdfadf843dc510b549d3568e1c795a5c2db81" have entirely different histories.

3 changed files with 90 additions and 103 deletions

View File

@ -15,29 +15,33 @@
from engine import mat4, mat4_projection, mat4_lookat, resolve_input, set_input_mat4
class _Inputs:
__slots__ = 'projection', 'view'
def __init__(self, shader, projection, view):
self.projection = resolve_input(shader, projection)
self.view = resolve_input(shader, view)
class Camera:
__slots__ = 'projection', 'view'
__slots__ = '_projection_input', '_projection', '_view_input', '_view'
def __init__(self):
self.projection = mat4()
self.view = mat4()
self._projection_input = None
self._projection = mat4()
self._view_input = None
self._view = mat4()
def projection(self):
return self._projection
def view(self):
return self._view
def set_projection(self, half_fov, ratio, near_z, far_z):
mat4_projection(self.projection, half_fov, ratio, near_z, far_z)
mat4_projection(self._projection, half_fov, ratio, near_z, far_z)
def set_view(self, origin, lookat):
mat4_lookat(self.view, origin, lookat)
mat4_lookat(self._view, origin, lookat)
def resolve_inputs(self, shader, projection = b'u_projection', view = b'u_view'):
return _Inputs(shader, projection, view)
def resolve_inputs(self, shader, projection_input = b'u_projection', view_input = b'u_view'):
self._projection_input = resolve_input(shader, projection_input)
self._view_input = resolve_input(shader, view_input)
def update_inputs(self, inputs):
set_input_mat4(inputs.projection, self.projection)
set_input_mat4(inputs.view, self.view)
def update_inputs(self):
set_input_mat4(self._projection_input, self._projection)
set_input_mat4(self._view_input, self._view)

View File

@ -14,7 +14,9 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from math import radians, cos
from engine import vec3, vec3_up, mat4_mul_vec3, resolve_input, set_input_vec3
from engine import *
from game.math import vec3_add, vec3_sub, vec3_scale, vec3_mul, vec3_dot
def _angles(start, end):
@ -28,10 +30,6 @@ def _floats(a, b):
def _colors(a, b):
return (a, vec3_sub(b, a))
_light_power = (
(_angles(180.0, 0.0), _floats(1.0, 1.0)),
_light_color = (
(_angles(180.0, 0.0), _colors((1.0, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))),
@ -48,6 +46,11 @@ _sun_color = (
(_angles(180.0, 0.0), _colors((8.0, 8.0, 4.0), (8.0, 8.0, 4.0))),
_light_power = (
(_angles(180.0, 90.0), _floats(0.0, 0.0)),
(_angles( 90.0, 0.0), _floats(0.0, 1.0))
def _resolve(ranges, c):
for (cmin, cmax, crng), ab in ranges:
if c >= cmin and c <= cmax:
@ -62,41 +65,24 @@ def _resolve_color(ranges, c):
w, (a, b) = _resolve(ranges, c)
return vec3_add(a, vec3_scale(b, w))
class _Inputs:
__slots__ = 'light_direction', 'light_color', 'horizon_color', 'sky_color', 'sun_color'
def resolve_inputs(shader):
light_direction = resolve_input(shader, b'u_light_direction')
light_color = resolve_input(shader, b'u_light_color')
horizon_color = resolve_input(shader, b'u_horizon_color')
sky_color = resolve_input(shader, b'u_sky_color')
sun_color = resolve_input(shader, b'u_sun_color')
return (light_direction, light_color, horizon_color, sky_color, sun_color)
def __init__(self, shader):
self.light_direction = resolve_input(shader, b'u_light_direction')
self.light_color = resolve_input(shader, b'u_light_color')
self.horizon_color = resolve_input(shader, b'u_horizon_color')
self.sky_color = resolve_input(shader, b'u_sky_color')
self.sun_color = resolve_input(shader, b'u_sun_color')
class Environment:
__slots__ = 'light_direction', 'light_color', 'horizon_color', 'sky_color', 'sun_color'
def __init__(self):
self.light_direction = vec3()
self.light_color = vec3()
self.horizon_color = vec3()
self.sky_color = vec3()
self.sun_color = vec3()
def from_sun(self, view, sun_direction, sun_power):
def from_sun(view, sun_direction, sun_power):
c = vec3_dot(sun_direction, vec3_up)
light_power = _resolve_float(_light_power, c) * sun_power
mat4_mul_vec3(self.light_direction, view, sun_direction, 0.0)
self.light_color = vec3(vec3_scale(_resolve_color(_light_color, c), light_power))
self.horizon_color = vec3(vec3_scale(_resolve_color(_horizon_color, c), light_power))
self.sky_color = vec3(vec3_scale(_resolve_color(_sky_color, c), light_power))
self.sun_color = vec3(_resolve_color(_sun_color, c))
light_color = vec3_scale(_resolve_color(_light_color, c), sun_power) # vec3_scale(_resolve_color(_light_color, c), light_power)
horizon_color = vec3_mul(_resolve_color(_horizon_color, c), light_color)
sky_color = vec3_mul(_resolve_color(_sky_color, c), light_color)
sun_color = _resolve_color(_sun_color, c)
light_direction = vec3()
mat4_mul_vec3(light_direction, view, sun_direction, 0.0)
return (light_direction, vec3(light_color), vec3(horizon_color), vec3(sky_color), vec3(sun_color))
def resolve_inputs(self, shader):
return _Inputs(shader)
def update_inputs(self, inputs):
set_input_vec3(inputs.light_direction, self.light_direction)
set_input_vec3(inputs.light_color, self.light_color)
set_input_vec3(inputs.horizon_color, self.horizon_color)
set_input_vec3(inputs.sky_color, self.sky_color)
set_input_vec3(inputs.sun_color, self.sun_color)
def update_inputs(inputs, values):
list(map(set_input_vec3, inputs, values))

View File

@ -18,25 +18,8 @@ from math import pi, tau, dist
from engine import *
from game import math
from game import generator
from game import shader
from game import resources
from game import batch
from game import triangles
from game import sea
from import Camera
from game.environment import Environment
proj_hfov = pi * 0.25
proj_ratio = 16.0 / 9.0
proj_near_z = 8.0
proj_far_z = 3000.0
sun_direction = math.vec3_normalize((1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
sun_power = 1.0
camera_origin = (0.0, -1200.0, 500.0)
camera_lookat = (0.0, 500.0, -500.0)
from game import (
math, resources, shader, camera, batch, triangles, generator, environment, sea)
def main():
print("Generating terrain...")
@ -125,23 +108,36 @@ def main():
cube_id = cube.spawn(tests_batch, cube_translation, cube_orientation)
clouds_id = clouds.spawn(tests_batch, (0.0, 0.0, 32.0), clouds_orientation)
proj_hfov = pi * 0.25
proj_ratio = 16.0 / 9.0
proj_near_z = 8.0
proj_far_z = 3000.0
terrain_environment_inputs = environment.resolve_inputs(terrain_shader)
terrain_camera = camera.Camera()
terrain_camera.set_projection(proj_hfov, proj_ratio, proj_near_z, proj_far_z)
tests_environment_inputs = environment.resolve_inputs(tests_shader)
tests_camera = camera.Camera()
tests_camera.set_projection(proj_hfov, proj_ratio, proj_near_z, proj_far_z)
sky_environment_inputs = environment.resolve_inputs(sky_shader)
sea_phase = resolve_input(sky_shader, b'u_sea_phase')
sea_polar_textures = sea.load_polar_textures(('data/sea_bump1.png', 'data/sea_bump2.png'))
sea_polar_sampler = resolve_input(sky_shader, b'u_sea_polar_sampler')
sea_detail_texture = sea.load_detail_texture('data/sea_bump.png')
sea_detail_sampler = resolve_input(sky_shader, b'u_sea_detail_sampler')
sky_triangles = create_triangles(triangles.sky_triangles(64, proj_far_z - 0.1, proj_ratio))
sky_camera = camera.Camera()
sky_camera.set_projection(proj_hfov, proj_ratio, proj_near_z, proj_far_z)
camera = Camera()
camera.set_projection(proj_hfov, proj_ratio, proj_near_z, proj_far_z)
terrain_camera_inputs = camera.resolve_inputs(terrain_shader)
tests_camera_inputs = camera.resolve_inputs(tests_shader)
sky_camera_inputs = camera.resolve_inputs(sky_shader)
environment = Environment()
terrain_environment_inputs = environment.resolve_inputs(terrain_shader)
tests_environment_inputs = environment.resolve_inputs(tests_shader)
sky_environment_inputs = environment.resolve_inputs(sky_shader)
sun_direction = vec3(math.vec3_normalize((1.0, 0.0, 1.0)))
sun_power = 1.0
origin = vec3((0.0, -1200.0, 500.0))
lookat = vec3((0.0, 500.0, -500.0))
up = vec3(vec3_up)
_rotation = mat3()
@ -169,6 +165,15 @@ def main():
frame_begin = time.thread_time()
mat3_rotation(_rotation, up, (current_time * 0.05) % tau)
mat3_mul_vec3(_origin, _rotation, origin)
mat3_mul_vec3(_lookat, _rotation, lookat)
terrain_camera.set_view(_origin, _lookat)
tests_camera.set_view(_origin, _lookat)
sky_camera.set_view(vec3(math.vec3_scale(_origin, 0.001)), vec3(math.vec3_scale(_lookat, 0.001)))
environment_values = environment.from_sun(terrain_camera.view, sun_direction, sun_power)
mat3_rotation(_rotation, up, (current_time * 0.21) % tau)
mat3_mul_vec3(_blob_translation, _rotation, blob_translation)
tests_batch.set_param(0, blob_id, _blob_translation)
@ -182,15 +187,9 @@ def main():
mat3_mul_vec3(_clouds_orientation, _rotation, clouds_orientation)
tests_batch.set_param(1, clouds_id, _clouds_orientation)
mat3_rotation(_rotation, up, (current_time * 0.05) % tau)
mat3_mul_vec3(_origin, _rotation, vec3(camera_origin))
mat3_mul_vec3(_lookat, _rotation, vec3(camera_lookat))
camera.set_view(_origin, _lookat)
environment.from_sun(camera.view, vec3(sun_direction), sun_power)
environment.update_inputs(terrain_environment_inputs, environment_values)
select_texture(tiles_texture, tiles_sampler)
select_texture(heightmap, terrain_heightmap_sampler)
select_texture(normalmap, terrain_normalmap_sampler)
@ -205,8 +204,8 @@ def main():
environment.update_inputs(tests_environment_inputs, environment_values)
select_texture(tests_texture, tests_sampler)
select_texture(heightmap, tests_heightmap_sampler)
select_texture(normalmap, tests_normalmap_sampler)
@ -218,11 +217,9 @@ def main():
camera.set_view(vec3(math.vec3_scale(_origin, 0.001)), vec3(math.vec3_scale(_lookat, 0.001)))
environment.update_inputs(sky_environment_inputs, environment_values)
set_input_float(sea_phase, (current_time * 0.023) % 1.0)
select_texture(sea_polar_textures, sea_polar_sampler)
select_texture(sea_detail_texture, sea_detail_sampler)
@ -258,8 +255,8 @@ def main():
", avg =", round((frame_avg / perf_count) * 1000.0, 2), "ms")
# seed 666
# camera_origin = vec3((0.0, -1200.0, 500.0))
# camera_lookat = vec3((0.0, 500.0, -500.0))
# origin = vec3((0.0, -1200.0, 500.0))
# lookat = vec3((0.0, 500.0, -500.0))
# for x in range(10000)
# current_time = 0
# Draw * 9999 : min = 0.2 , max = 2.16 , avg = 0.26 ms